Friday, 22 March 2013

Newcastle University 'Strand' Project

We are working with 15 Newcastle University 2nd yr Fine Art students as part of our creative exchange element of the Transporter project. The 'Strand' project, which runs alongside the students studio practice, allows us to share information, knowledge and skills learnt during our time in Peru and Berlin (as well as the developments within our arts practices), with the students to help them develop ideas and new skills.

They’ve had some great ideas and are inspiring us with new ideas too- we are encouraging the students to learn a new skill or develop a body of research on a new area during the Strand. They are responding well to this and some are integrating the project into their studio practice as they discover a new interest or area they wish to work in.

We are uploading images of the students work onto our flickr photostream so please have a look and comment to give them feedback on their ideas so far! Any signposts to artists, books etc to help them with their research is welcomed too!

The Student project aims and learning outcomes are - 

•Develop an understanding of different crafts and skills, what role they play in cultural heritage and whether they can inspire contemporary art
•Gain a greater understanding of other art forms
•Experiment and collaborate with other artists/peers.
•Learn, share skills in arts and crafts such as weaving, paper making, pottery, woodwork etc
•Learn new ways of seeing and doing through cultural exchange and researching their own cultural heritage
•Understand issues surrounding sustaining local and international traditional art forms and cultures
•Develop understanding of sustainable arts practise and broader environmental issues
•Question and explore their relationship to their environment.
•Self direct their studies and research
•Group work and critical feedback
•Create a body of research, ideas and experiments which explore new ground for the student
•Create a ‘resolved’ new art work/design/prototype (either individually or collaboratively) for public showing.

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